Songwen Hu

Visualization Lab @ GT , Atlanta | Georgia | USA


Shot on Nikon Z30 📸

I’m a first-year CS Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech, advised by Dr. Cindy Xiong Bearfield. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, I worked with Dr. Shuai Li at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My research interest focuses on animated visualization, collaborative visualization systems, and visualization recommender systems. I explore how design choices impact perception in animated visualization, how AI assistants can enhance data collaboration with visualization systems, and how to recommend visualizations with minimal user interaction.

I also have experience with traditional recommender systems, deep learning and reinforcement learning.


Jul 15, 2024 Full paper accepted to IEEE VIS 2024 🥳
Feb 07, 2024 Abstract accepted to VSS 2024 🥳
Aug 17, 2023 Start of my study in Georgia Tech, Atlanta ✨

selected publications

  1. hier-ucb
    Hierarchical conversational preference elicitation with bandit feedback
    Jinhang Zuo , Songwen Hu , Tong Yu , and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management , 2022
  2. motion.gif
    Motion-based visual encoding can improve performance on perceptual tasks with dynamic time series
    Songwen Hu , Ouxun Jiang , Jeffrey Riedmiller , and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024